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Bartender was the bartender at the party where Lance Tolkin tragically died through poisoning. When asked by Lassiter and Juliet what drink Lance had ordered, he says that he normally wouldn't remember but that Lance's order was "different, classy, cool." He has to correct Lassiter when he assumes it must have been a Sea Breeze, explaining that Lance always ordered a Gabardine Hightail because it was his favorite drink. He also says that Lance's date Gillian Tucker always brought in her own bottle of brora scotch to use for the drink, which is especially interesting to Lassiter and Juliet because it opens up the possibility that Gillian spiked the bottle. His statement is also interesting to Shawn and Gus, as Clive Prescott knew that Lance was going to be drinking his invention and could therefore also have spiked the drink in some way. Neither turns out to be true, however.
