Andrew Jackson is an inhabitant of Dual Spires and also the town sheriff. He is a descendant of one of the community's three founding families.
Shawn and Gus first see Andrew as he is announcing that year's Cinnamon King, his own son Randy, at the town's annual Cinnamon Festival. They then see him on the beach next to Paula Merral's dead body, and he appears just as heartbroken as anyone else. The duo meet Andrew properly when they want to ask Randy a few questions about Paula's death and pretend to be grief counselors in order to be let in. Andrew admits that he and Randy haven't been communicating very well lately. Shawn deduces from a bottle of pills on the table that Andrew is dying of cancer, and the duo later learn from librarian Maudette Hornsby that Andrew's wife died very young and that she stepped in to fill the role.
Unfortunately, Shawn and Gus find out shortly afterwards that Andrew's sadness over Paula's death was completely faked. When Andrew and doctor Donna Gooden show up at the cabin to kill our duo and Peter Westley by injection/gun shot, they reveal that they murdered Paula because she and Randy were planning to leave Dual Spires together. As Randy is the only one of his generation who is descended from one of the town's three founding families, Andrew and Donna considered him the only true future leader of the community and wanted to do their utmost to ensure that he would stay in Dual Spires and fulfill his purpose. When the two found out that Maudette knew about the murder, they killed her too by making it look like she hanged herself. Luckily, Lassiter and Juliet burst into the cabin before any more blood can be shed, and the murderous pair are taken away.
- Andrew is portrayed by Lenny von Dohlen, who played Harold Smith in Twin Peaks.
- He is named Andrew Jackson in a nod to Harry S. Truman, the sheriff on Twin Peaks who is also named after a former US president. The name "Andrew" might also refer to Twin Peaks character Andrew Packard.
- The tense look he exchanges with Michelle Barker at the Sawmill Diner might indicate the two are having an affair.